kayak as a project

strongback and steam box on custom sawhorses

the bulkheads, frames, and molds cut from 3mm plywood, fastened to strongback at the correct spacing, centered and plumb

stringers, keel, and gunwales ripped and sanded from a hemlock plank

installing stringers

stringers, etc installed, ready to trim to fit the stem

beveled to fit the stem post, screwed and glued, just need to be trimmed and fairedĀ 

oak ribs soaking. i could only find kiln dried oak, hence the soaking

ribs in the steam box

bending the steamed ribs into place, secured with clamps until they are dried enough to glue

nearly finished with ribs

ribs glued into place, installing the kevlar roving using heat-n-bond tape

stringers and framing installed on the deck

gluing the floorboards into place

fitting the plywood deck and making a template for the cockpit coaming

coaming glued into place, starting to laminate the spray-skirt lip

draping the dacron fabric to start applying, attached with heat-n-bond tape then shrunk tight with an iron

fabric attached and tightened, ready to trim at stem and stern

ready to attach deck fabric

deck fabric attached, with 3 coats of polyurethane coating
